Yesterday's Dr. appointment turned out being more...eventful than I anticipated going into it. I went in decided that I have a stubborn baby that is going to stay inside me as long as humanly possible. I believe this only because I MYSELF am extremely stubborn and I think Heavenly Father and my Mom would simply get a good kick out of seeing motherhood start this way for me. With a stubborn child of course! Hysterical! However, I left the exam room elated after the Doc told me I was 50% effaced and dilated to a 1!! The process has begun!
By the time we reached the car elation turned to apprehension. My nine months is about up and the next part of this journey has caused me many sleepless nights and apparently high blood pressure. Yet another cause for concern! I wish the encouragement from other Mom's would put me at ease more. But the fact is that every pregnancy and every delivery is so differnt it's impossible to know what exactly will happen. And there in lies my biggest fear. What will happen??
El Escorial and Toledo
1 month ago
Yay!! Kenz it's all gonna work out just fine. Stop worrying you goof. Can't wait to see Baby Chico :)
you will do great. be excited! i remember after i delivered brighton i turned to landon and said "that was fun! i want to do that again!" not that giving birth is necessarily "fun" but it's such an amazing experience...amazing is seriously the best word to describe it. such a spiritual experience bringing a little life into this world. you will do awesome. once again....don't be nervous, be excited!
It's always a little scary...the unknown. All my deliveries were different. You can do it!!! When you go into labor and you feel like it is never going to end just keep thinking tomorrow this will be over. When you are in the middle of it it goes faster than you would think. And all the hard work will pay off, you will have a beautiful baby boy!!
I know better than anyone that you can't plan how this part will go, but you can have faith that everything will be ok. Try and relax and enjoy as much as possible! We can't wait to meet him!
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