THEN! We went to the Festival of Trees. I LOVE it! Colin...didn't quite so much. Haha but he went at least once so that's good enough for me! Here's a couple of my favorite that we got to see.
You bet your bottom thats a pez despenser tree!! Brilliance!

Clifford just plain rules...

And who doesn't love a Jazz Tree, right??!

So then my favorite buddy Aiden and myself had a birthday on the 20th. It was fun stuff. My birthdays are usually low key so we kept with tradition. I went and gave Aiden his present and hung for a bit. Then Colin and I met up with his family (who were all in town for about a week) and had a family picture taken. Haven't seen any yet so I hope they turn out okay! His family is so cute so I'm sure it did! Then we met my family at Olive Garden and went to my aunts and played games till the wee hours of the morning(midnight. whew!)

Colin gave me 21 flowers for my 21st birthday. Aww...

I must share my Betty Crocker skills...I was so proud of myself.
Peanut Butter Cups

And some yummy cookies...

And Christmas Eve we went to Nephi and built our first home together...A ginger bread house!

Then Christmas we were extra lazy. It was super fantastic!
The End!