Went to the doctor today!! Yes, I have a dancing nugget in ma belly. And when he/she gets here September 17 (that date is subject to change) he/she can thank Aunt Tara for the nickname;-) I had an ultra sound today and got to see our nugget dancing all around! It was AMAZING!! He was just dancing and moving everywhere! It took a minute to get a good look at him because he would not hold still. That may not be something I'm so thankful for later in the pregnancy but today it was fantastic news! The best part was getting to see his little heart just pitter patter away. I'm pretty sure I could have laid there all day and just watched him squirm around my tummy. It was a pretty great feeling over all. The only way I can think to describe it right now is to say that the last month was completely worth feeling exhausted and nauseous and I cannot wait to meet the little stinker! I wish I had a picture to post but I don't. Maybe next month.
More good news...We're moving!! I found an awesome new apartment in Daybreak. We gave a deposit and are moving the weekend of March 6th. Anyone willing to give a helping hand would be greatly appreciated.
And last (for now) Colin is done with school in 66 days AND counting!
Even with all the stress of life lately I feel very blessed today. All from one tiny little heart beat:-)
El Escorial and Toledo
1 month ago