
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ready, set, where's the baby?

Thanks for the comments on my last post ladies! I seriously have moments where I am so ready to do this and moments where I'm absolutely terrified. I think it's because I am as ready as I can be and I'm not working so all I do is sit around and think "what now?" Then my mind just starts to wander. Anywho, I had to share some pictures of the blanket my Mom made me and the baby and tell her thank you so much!! I know she's excited and wants to do all this stuff for me but she has been an extremely busy lady and I'm so grateful for everything she has done!

The picture doesn't do it justice but you can still see how cute it is!

Isn't she talented?! I need to learn to do this stuff and I am determined to do so. I wish you could reach through your screen and feel how soft it is:-)

I've got the nursery all set up too. I need to put a couple more things on the wall but other than that...I have nothing to do. I'm so bored and so ready for this kiddo to make his appearance.

11 days AND counting!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The last stretch...

Yesterday's Dr. appointment turned out being more...eventful than I anticipated going into it. I went in decided that I have a stubborn baby that is going to stay inside me as long as humanly possible. I believe this only because I MYSELF am extremely stubborn and I think Heavenly Father and my Mom would simply get a good kick out of seeing motherhood start this way for me. With a stubborn child of course! Hysterical! However, I left the exam room elated after the Doc told me I was 50% effaced and dilated to a 1!! The process has begun!

By the time we reached the car elation turned to apprehension. My nine months is about up and the next part of this journey has caused me many sleepless nights and apparently high blood pressure. Yet another cause for concern! I wish the encouragement from other Mom's would put me at ease more. But the fact is that every pregnancy and every delivery is so differnt it's impossible to know what exactly will happen. And there in lies my biggest fear. What will happen??

Monday, August 23, 2010

Baby Shower!

My sweet Mom and Sister-in-law put together a really nice baby shower for me and I am so grateful and had so much fun! Everything turned out really cute and all the food was delicious:-) We had a pretty good turn out too! I really do appreciate everybody that made the drive all the way out to our house to be there. And all the wonderful gifts! I would not be as ready as I am right now without them. So, as great as the shower was....I forgot to take pictures. I had my camera...and FORGOT to use it. My pregnant brain I tell you. We took a couple before and a couple with my Mom and sister-in-law after so here ya go!

Diaper Cake from Camille!

Camille. Me. My Madre (Patti)

Rylee Mae! We didn't get a picture before the bows in her hair came out...Good thing she's so cute anyway!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Swearing in with Murray PD

Getting ready for work takes quite a while longer now...

Taking the oath...

Ready to go!

(Posting this one against my better judgement. This is the only pregnant pic you'll see of me.)

Yes, it took me forever to post these and I don't have a good reason why. He's been training for the last three weeks on grave shifts and just started the next shift which is two to midnight. He's got to get each of the three different shifts into training and then they will give him a normal schedule and send him on his own. It's been a difficult adjustment but he really loves the job and is excited to finally be doing something enjoys. It makes me happy to see him doing what he enjoys but I don't love that he has to take a gun to work and instead of saying "have a good day!" I say "be safe okay??" everyday before he leaves. It's an adjustment...But we're both excited about it!

Friday, July 30, 2010


Well, this is probably old news now but for anybody that doesn't know..Colin got a new job! He's working for Murray City Police. He started two weeks ago and is being sworn in on Tuesday. After that he'll start training. The first three weeks of training he will be on a graveyard shift. Everybody pray I don't go into labor in the middle of the night while I'm all alone because I may have to drive myself to the hospital and I'm not so on board with that idea. He is loving the job so far and as nervous as it makes me I trust him to be safe and I trust Heavenly Father will take care of us.

Baby is growing nice and plump! Six weeks left today! I've had a feeling that he is going to come early and I could be wrong of course but he dropped into my pelvis a week ago and I guess that is supposed to get things started before I actually go into labor. No one ever told me it could hurt so much when he drops but ouch! I was having some really sharp pains and I couldn't figure out what it was so being the worrier that I am I went to the doctor. And come to find out he dropped and has found some interesting positions that are not so fun for me. The joys of pregnancy right?!

I have to admit that I will not miss most of those joys but I will definitely miss all his kicks and moving around. It has been so much fun. I think I've been able to get to know him a little before I actually meet him. Colin hasn't been able to feel him when he really gets moving around. I don't know what it is but Colin seems to put him in a trance. All he has to do is look at my belly and he suddenly stops all movement. I'm hoping that works outside my belly as well;-)

That's all for now but I will put a belly pic up for those that are interested as long as I get some suggestions on how to loose the weight after labor. It's starting to feel a little overwhelming and I could use some help. *Jenn, I'll let you babysit if you help;-)*

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pregnant in July...

I think I'll join him. :-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I went to the Doc today for my monthly check up and....the ultrasound showed the little stink turned himself into a breech position! Now, since I felt him move into that position this morning and it's not the first time I assume that he will just turn right around again at some point. But I'm still nervous! Do any of my Mommy friends have some advice or thoughts to share with me about what might happen?

Monday, May 24, 2010

San Diego

We took a really quick vacation to San Diego last week before school started again. We left on Friday and were back home Monday night. It was to fast but gave us time to everything we wanted and to spend some time together. We went to Sea World and the Zoo and spent a little while at the beach. We spent time with Colin's dad and family and the highlight of the weekend for Colin was probably driving his dad's 'stang. He was in heaven I'm pretty sure:-)

This was just after we took off. Before we reached 10,000 feet we were struck by lightning. That's right folks. Lightning! We could see it come out the other side of the plane through this very window. Let me say that I hate flying and I was not a happy camper. It was quite the experience.

Now some pictures for your viewing....

The walrus was HUGE. I still can't get over it.

Colin won Kenny & Cartman in the gaming center and since we are not so fond of being in pictures we decided they would take our place the rest of the day. It was pretty entertaining.

His Dad's OTHER super fun car :-)

The nugget's first monkey. We couldn't leave and not get him anything!

It was such a fun trip and we're so grateful to his Dad for everything he did.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BLUE nugget & Graduation

I actually have pictures to post today! Woohoo! Big thanks to Colin's family for taking them and letting me steal them. Since I posted on facebook that we're having a BOY!!...Most everybody knows already. But it's a boy!!! Yay! We're so darn excited. My doctor said he thought it was a girl at our last appointment and it had me all stressed out because deep down I was so sure it was a boy. Girls are sweet but I have a feeling I'm destined for boys:-) And apparently I can't upload pictures of the little guy:-( Anyone know if blogger uploads tif files??
Next, I'm proud to announce that my husband is brilliant! Most that know him already know that but we've got a certificate to prove it now. He's just finished the police academy. Finally! I actually get to SEE him now. He was going to work at eight and not home until after nine most days. But he worked so hard and graduated top of his class!

This is just for fun but all my utah followers that listen to Kbull have probably heard this guy. DJ Coyote. He is an officer by day and DJ by night which I think is pretty awesome! He gave Colin his award and super fly belt buckle.

Taking the oath...

Colin's dad and half sister were able to come out for the graduation and stay a couple days.

We spent the rest of the weekend with his dad, sister, brother and his family.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I felt the baby kick this weekend! Feels just like bubbles which I wasn't really expecting and made it oh so much fun!

20 week ultrasound is tomorrow!!!! Feel free to leave your guess as to what it is and we'll let you know what we find out:-)




Thursday, April 22, 2010


The BellyBand. I'm loving it. Here's to a couple more weeks of fitting into my favorite pairs of jeans.

I've decided I would rather people just tell me I look pregnant. Everyone that says "You can't even tell!" will just cause an eruption of emotions. If you can't tell I'm pregnant then what have you got to say about the 15 plus pounds I've gained??? Obviously I'm in that stupid In-Between stage I keep hearing about and I'm NOT liking it so much. So, bless the BellyBand and bless my sweet husband for being my sweet husband.

P.S. Next week is our twenty week ultra sound and we'll FINALLY know if it is a boy nugget or a girl nugget. I think it might be a long week.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dancing Nugget

Went to the doctor today!! Yes, I have a dancing nugget in ma belly. And when he/she gets here September 17 (that date is subject to change) he/she can thank Aunt Tara for the nickname;-) I had an ultra sound today and got to see our nugget dancing all around! It was AMAZING!! He was just dancing and moving everywhere! It took a minute to get a good look at him because he would not hold still. That may not be something I'm so thankful for later in the pregnancy but today it was fantastic news! The best part was getting to see his little heart just pitter patter away. I'm pretty sure I could have laid there all day and just watched him squirm around my tummy. It was a pretty great feeling over all. The only way I can think to describe it right now is to say that the last month was completely worth feeling exhausted and nauseous and I cannot wait to meet the little stinker! I wish I had a picture to post but I don't. Maybe next month.

More good news...We're moving!! I found an awesome new apartment in Daybreak. We gave a deposit and are moving the weekend of March 6th. Anyone willing to give a helping hand would be greatly appreciated.

And last (for now) Colin is done with school in 66 days AND counting!

Even with all the stress of life lately I feel very blessed today. All from one tiny little heart beat:-)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bun in the Oven

Well I'm pretty sure we've told everybody that reads my blog but for anybody that doesn't know...we're having a baby! So exciting!!!
Right now I think I'm about six or seven weeks along. I haven't seen my doctor yet so I don't have a lot of details but when I do I will leave another post. Also, I would love all the advice I can get so anything regarding the first trimester would be VERY helpful right now:-)